Friday, April 29, 2016

Senior Film Idea



A city girl with a perfect, easy life is on a train through the desert
It breaks down/crashes and everyone dies but her
After days of walking, she finds small cowboy town
When she arrives, everyone is wary of her modern, city lifestyle/personality, and make it clear to her that she doesn’t fit in.
Finally befriends the underdog cowboy
Learns about big shot gunslinger in charge of local saloon- dictator of town
Teams up with other underdogs to take him down
They infiltrate saloon from inside posing as love interest and barkeeper
Pretend to be friends with gunslinger
Get caught trying to take him down
Get locked up
Break out of jail
Shootout bad guys vs. good guys
Good guys win and restore peace to the town


A city girl with an easy life finds herself alone in a small country town, she soon befriends a group of cowboys, and learns that they need help taking down the corrupt gunslinger who is terrorizing the town. Eventually, the girl and her friends infiltrate the gunslinger’s saloon, and save the town from his wrath.